List of 1000 Music Fonts

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The music fonts below are sorted by 14 categories:
1. Classic music notation fonts (all)
1a. Classic music notation fonts (only SMuFL)
1b. Classic music notation fonts (only Unicode Musical Symbols area)
2. Handwritten music fonts
3. Examples of unavailable fonts
4. Medieval, Byzantine and ancient Greek fonts
5. Music fonts for word processing and/or tempo marks (i.e. stafflines and/or stems, beams included)
6. Chord fonts
7. Figured bass & analysis fonts
8. Fretboard fonts
9. Fingering/pedal fonts
10. Microtonal notation fonts (dedicated fonts or those with many accidentals)
11. Special music fonts
12. Text fonts for rehearsal marks (with border)
13. Text fonts with musical symbols
14. Suitable text/lyrics fonts

Looking for text fonts or music fonts for Finale, Sibelius, Dorico or LilyPond?
Get the Elbsound Music Fonts Package (213 music fonts in v2.92)
or the Elbsound Text Fonts Package (414 text fonts for musical scores in v1.30)
Elbsound Music Fonts Package            Text Fonts for Musical Scores
Get from

To proceed to the visual music font comparison, click here.
Music Fonts Comparison

Music Fonts: Classic Music Fonts
(Each column can be sorted by clicking on the column header)
Music FontsComment/Software External LinkExample
AbdelazerUrtext FontPurchase
Abdelazer SibUrtext FontPurchase
Abdelazer Sib TTUrtext FontPurchase
Abdelazer TTUrtext FontPurchase
Acousticaby Christian Texier/MIDIDesignLink
Aloisen NewScore WriterLinkExample
AloisenUOverture (SMuFL)Get from
AlphaRhythmsMusic font for notating rhythmsLink
AmmerbachFor German organ tablature (by John McKean)Get from
Anastasia Extended 1EncorePurchase
Anastasia Extended 2EncorePurchase
Anastasia ExtraEncorePurchase
Anastasia HeavyEncorePurchase
Anastasia Pitch NamesEncore (with pitch names)Purchase
Anastasia RegularEncore/MusicTime DeluxePurchaseExample
Anastasia TimeEncorePurchase
Andron Mega Corpus RegularUnicode music fontPurchase (Example)
Animal NoteheadsAlternative music font (under development)Preview Only
ArsNovaby Bayard-NizetPurchase
ArticulationsFinale Productivity PackPurchase
AruvarbBravura font made compatible with FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
AScoreLogic ProLink
AScorePartsLogic ProLink
AybabtuPredecessor of Gonville-BraceGet from
AvanguardiaMelody/Harmony AssistantPurchaseExample
Nota1TTAlternative music fontNot available
BarnettMusic font by the Really Loud ­Font CompanyNot available (Homepage)Example
BD NotesUsed to be part of the Finale Productivity PackNot available (Homepage)
BeethovenAlternative Lilypond FontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Besmafrom NorFontsPurchase
BetvnFINBeethoven font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Blank ManuscriptCreate empty pagesPurchase
BMusicFontBravura for LilyPondGet from
BMusicalTextFontBravura for LilyPondGet from
BoulezAlternative font for SibeliusLinkExample
BracketsFinale Productivity PackPurchase
BracketsBoldFinale Productivity PackPurchase
BravuraDorico music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
BravuraMSSBravura with Mixed Spartan SagittalGet from Elbsound.studioExample
BravuraHEThe Helmholtz-Ellis font project (Bravura+HEJI)Link
Bravura TextSMuFL music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
BrumaireUrtext FontPurchase
Brumaire SibUrtext FontPurchase
Brumaire Sib TTUrtext FontPurchase
Brumaire TTUrtext FontPurchase
BurnsideUrtext FontPurchase
Burnside SibUrtext FontPurchase
Burnside Sib TTUrtext FontPurchase
Burnside TTUrtext FontPurchase
BusoniUrtext FontPurchase
Busoni SibUrtext FontPurchase
Busoni Sib TTUrtext FontPurchase
Busoni TTUrtext FontPurchase
CadenceAlternative Lilypond FontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
CadncFINCadence font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Camilfrom NorFontsPurchase
CantaboMusic font from ToccataLink
CantaboSuppMusic font from ToccataLink
capella alternativ 1CapellaHomepageExample
CapriccioAlternative Lilypond FontLinkExample
Capriccio-lightAlternative Lilypond FontLinkExample
ChaconneFinale (Japanese Version)LinkExample
Charlestonby Bayard-NizetPurchaseExample
ChopinMelody/Harmony AssistantPurchaseExample
Clefsby Matthew HindsonLink
CleffyViolin clefsGet from Elbsound.studioExample
ClementiUrtext FontPurchase
Clementi SibUrtext FontPurchase
Clementi Sib TTUrtext FontPurchase
Clementi TTUrtext FontPurchase
CLichtAssistant PerformerGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Code2001Unicode music fontGet from
Concretaby Christian Texier/MIDIDesignLink
Controlaby Christian Texier/MIDIDesignLink
Country WesternMelody/Harmony AssistantPurchaseExample
CrescendoNWC (Hairpin symbols only)Link
Cypher RegularNoteAbilityProHomepage
DelusseAlternative Lilypond FontLinkExample
DenemoUnicode music fontGet from
DjangoNotationDjango (Music Font)Link
DjangoTabFlagsDjango (More Symbols)Link
DOREMI (v2)Alternative music fontPurchase
DVMArticulationsby DVM PublicationsLink
EFI Music SymbolsMusic symbolsPurchase (Link to Example)
Electronicaby Christian Texier/MIDIDesignLink
EmmentalerLilypond music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
EmntlFINEmmentaler font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
EngraverTextHFinaleLink or OTF
EngraverTextNCSFinaleLink or OTF
EngraverTextTFinaleLink or OTF
EngraverTimeFinaleLink or OTF
Espressivoby Bayard-NizetPurchase
EuterpeUnicode music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
EuterpeFINEuterpe font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
fetaAlternative music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
feta-alphabetMore symbols for the "feta" fontLinkExample
feta-bracesMore symbols for the "feta" fontLink
FinalSmartToolsby Ansgar KrausePurchase
FinalSmartToolsDEMOby Ansgar KrauseLink
FinaleMiscFree Finale font LinkExample
Finale AlphaNotesFont with pitch namesLink
Finale PercussionMany percussion glyphsLink
Finale MalletsMany mallet symbolsLink
ForteSambaForte 8Link
FPArticulationsFinale Productivity PackPurchase
FPBigTimeFinale Productivity PackPurchase
FPBracketsFinale Productivity PackPurchase
FPBracketsBoldFinale Productivity PackPurchase
FPHairpinsFinale Productivity PackPurchase
FPLoopsSquigglesFinale Productivity PackPurchase
FPRollsFinale Productivity PackPurchase
FPRollsBigFinale Productivity PackPurchase
FPSalzedoFinale Productivity PackPurchase
FPTempoTimeFinale Productivity PackPurchase
FPTempoTimeSansFinale Productivity PackPurchase
FravuraBravura Port for FinalePurchaseExample
Fravura-ExtraBravura Port for FinalePurchaseExample
FreeSerifUnicode music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
FreeSerifMscoreUnicode music fontLink
FreeSerifFINFreeSerif font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Fronimo Branle Lute TablatureLute tablature fontLink
Fronimo Gavotta Lute TablatureLute tablature fontLink
Fronimo Pavan Lute TablatureLute tablature fontLink
Fronimo Recercare Lute TablatureLute tablature fontLink
Fronimo Rondeau Lute TablatureLute tablature fontLink
FughettaAlternative font for FinaleLinkExample
GCRevereGraphire Music PressHomepage
GhentPercussion SymbolsNot available
GhentDemoPercussion SymbolsLink
GhentMalletsMallet Symbols (also named "Ghent Percussion")Not available
GhentMalletsDemoMallet Symbols (also named "Ghent Percussion")Link
Glyph3 HarpHarp SymbolsGet from
Glyph3 SynthSynth SymbolsGet from
GoldenAge ThreeAlternative music fontNot available (Homepage)
GoldilindUrtext FontPurchase
Goldilind SibUrtext FontPurchase
Goldilind Sib TTUrtext FontPurchase
Goldilind TTUrtext FontPurchase
GonvilleOriginal versionLinkExample
GonvilleAlternative Lilypond Font (updated version)LinkExample
Gonville 2.0Alternative MuseScore FontLink
Gonville BraceAlternative Lilypond FontLink
GootvilleSMuFL Font by GootectorGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Gootville TextSMuFL Font by GootectorGet from Elbsound.studioExample
GotvlFINGootville font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
GraphiraFrom NorFontsPurchase
Graphira STDFrom NorFontsPurchase
Grupettoby Bayard-NizetPurchase
GUgAKKorean Music Font for Finale &
GugakTxtKorean Music Font for Finale &
GuitarSymbolsMagicScore Maestro (Symbols for guitar notation)Homepage
Guitar Stringsby Matthew HindsonLink
Gutenberg1939Alternative Lilypond FontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
GtbrgFINGutenberg1939 font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
HairpinsFinale Productivity PackPurchase
Hairpin DynamicsNWCLink
Handbell Fontby Chuck FowlerNot available
HarmonyNotation Composer/Notation PlayerHomepageExample
Harp Fontby Chuck FowlerNot available
HaydnAlternative Lilypond FontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
HayFINHaydn font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
HBellHandbell fontPurchase
HBellFinHandbell fontPurchase
HectorAlternative music fontLinkExample
HelsinkiSibeliusNot availableExample
Helsinki MetronomeSibeliusNot available
Helsinki Metronome StdSibeliusHomepage
Helsinki SpecialSibeliusNot availableExample
Helsinki Special StdSibeliusHomepageExample
Helsinki StdSibeliusHomepageExample
Helsinki TextSibeliusNot availableExample
Helsinki Text StdSibeliusHomepageExample
IgorEngraverClassicIgor EngraverHomepage
IgorEngraverJazzIgor EngraverHomepage
IgorEngraverPlateIgor EngraverHomepage
Jihenfrom NorFontsPurchase
Jijettefrom NorFontsPurchase
js-jianpu-yangjiaoDoit symbolsLink
Kanbi_A3Didgeridoo font (Articulations)Link
Kanbi_C2Didgeridoo font (Claves)Link
Kanbi_R3Didgeridoo font (Rhythms)Link
Kanbi_V3Didgeridoo font (Vocalises)Link
KapellmeisterUrtext FontPurchase
Kapellmeister SibUrtext FontPurchase
Kapellmeister Sib TTUrtext FontPurchase
Kapellmeister TTUrtext FontPurchase
Kapellmeister IIUrtext FontPurchase
Kapellmeister II SibUrtext FontPurchase
Kapellmeister II Sib TTUrtext FontPurchase
Kapellmeister II TTUrtext FontPurchase
Kepatihan Cipher Notation FontAsian cipher notationPurchase
KepatihanProAsian cipher notationLink
KIDdemoby DVM PublicationsLinkExample
Kidnotesby DVM PublicationsPurchaseExample
Kidsibby DVM Publications (for Sibelius)PurchaseExample
Kh NoteheadsAlternative music fontLink
KlavarSymbolsFont for Klavar notationLink
Kodaly (v2)Music font by algomgomLink
KousakuFinale (Japanese Version)Link (Character Map)Example
Kousaku PercussionFinale (Japanese Version)LinkExample
LarsenFor notating Irish traditional musicLink
LegatoMelody/Harmony AssistantPurchaseExample
LegatoSMuFl font from eNoteLink
LeipzigVerovio (SMuFl compliant)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
LeipFINLeipzig font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Leipzig 4.2Music font for "Wolfgang"Link
Leipzig 1770Urtext FontPurchase
Leipzig 1770 SibUrtext FontPurchase
Leipzig 1770 Sib TTUrtext FontPurchase
Leipzig 1770 TTUrtext FontPurchase
Leipzig 1803Urtext FontPurchaseExample
Leipzig 1803 OrnamentsUrtext FontPurchase
Leipzig 1803 Ornaments TTUrtext FontPurchase
Leipzig 1803 SibUrtext FontPurchaseExample
Leipzig 1803 Sib TTUrtext FontPurchaseExample
Leipzig 1803 TextUrtext FontPurchaseExample
Leipzig 1803 Text TTUrtext FontPurchaseExample
Leipzig 1803 TTUrtext FontPurchaseExample
Leipzig 1803 XtrasUrtext FontPurchaseExample
Leipzig 1803 Xtras TTUrtext FontPurchaseExample
LelandMuseScore SMuFl Font based on the SCORE fontGet from
Leland TextMuseScore SMuFl Font based on the SCORE fontGet from
Lelandia StdSibeliusHomepage
Lelandia Metronome StdSibeliusHomepage
Lelandia Special StdSibeliusHomepage
Lelandia Special II StdSibeliusHomepage
Lelandia Ornaments StdSibeliusHomepage
Lelandia Special Extra StdSibeliusHomepage
Lelandia Text StdSibeliusHomepage
LeMus NotasLenMusLink
LenMus BasicLenMusLink
LilyboulezAlternative Lilypond Font (based on Boulez)LinkExample
LibouFINLilyBoulez font for FinaleLinkExample
LocusFor spatial notationLink
LoopsSquigglesFinale Productivity PackPurchase
LS Irisby Luís Salgueiro (SMuFl font)Purchase
LS Iris Finby Luís Salgueiro for FinalePurchase
LS Iris Sib-Ornamentsby Luís Salgueiro for SibeliusPurchase
LS Iris Sib-Stdby Luís Salgueiro for SibeliusPurchase
LS Iris Sib-TextStdby Luís Salgueiro for SibeliusPurchase
Ludwig Classic"Stockholm Classic" for SibeliusPurchase
Ludwig Classic Extra"Stockholm Classic Extra" for SibeliusPurchase
Ludwig Plate"Stockholm Plate" for SibeliusPurchase
Ludwig Plate Extra"Stockholm Plate Extra" for SibeliusPurchase
MaestroMakeMusic's FinaleLinkExample
Maestro PercussionFinaleLinkExample
Maestro WideFinaleLinkExample
MarlLime Music NotationLinkExample
MarlettGeometric Shapes for NoteheadsLink
MB PercussionPercussion notationNot Available
MetricFontMusic font by the Really Loud ­Font CompanyNot available (Homepage)
MetrumSigns to express the measure of verseLink
MezzaFrom NorFontsPurchase
Mezza StdFrom NorFontsPurchase
MezzoFrom NorFontsPurchase
Mezzo StdFrom NorFontsPurchase
Midisoft ClassicForteLinkExample
ModrakianaIgor EngraverHomepage
ModusnotesScoreCloud StudioLinkExample
MöllerFor German organ tablature (by John McKean)Get from
MosaicFontMosaicNot available (Archive)
MozartQuickScore Elite, Copyist 9HomepageExample
Mozart extrasQuickScore Elite, Copyist 9Homepage
MScore for scoresMuseScore (SMuFL)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
MScore TextMuseScoreGet from Elbsound.studioExample
MusescoreIconMuseScoreGet from
MTF-Arnoldby Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MTF-Arnold-Finby Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MTF-Beethovenby Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MTF-Beethoven-Finby Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MTF-Cadenceby Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MTF-Cadence-Finby Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MTF-Gutenberg1939by Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MTF-Gutenberg1939-­Finby Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MTF-Haydnby Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MTF-Haydn-Finby Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MTF-Rossby Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MTF-Ross-Finby Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MTF-Scorlattiby Abraham Lee (based on Score)PurchaseExample
MTF-Scorlatti-Finby Abraham Lee (based on Score)PurchaseExample
MupMup (only available as Postscript Type 3 font)Link
Mus6MedNWCGet from
Musescore Icon SetMusic icons for MuseScoreGet from
Music NotationMagicScore MaestroHomepageExample
Music TextMagicScore MaestroHomepage
Music SheetsCreate empty pagesPurchase
Musica (v2)Music font by the Really Loud ­Font CompanyNot available (Homepage)
MusicaUnicode music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
MusicaFINMusica font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
MusiCAD BoldMusiCADHomepage
MusiCAD ClassicMusiCADHomepageExample
MusiCAD LightMusiCADHomepageExample
MusicalAlternative music fontNot availableExample
Musical NotesAlternative music fontNot availableExample
MusicalSymbols (v1)CorelPurchaseExample
MusicalSymbols (v2)Audimus NotesLink
Musical SymbolsUnicode music font (now called "Musica")Get from
MusicelementsA few musical and some dingbat symbolsLink
MusicFontFont for SibeliusLink
MusikDingsSansLawrie Pardy's Font PackLinkExample
MusikDingsSerifLawrie Pardy's Font PackLinkExample
MusicMMusic MasterworksLink
MusicMBMusic MasterworksLink
MWW SymbolsMusicWorksLink
My AutoharpMelody/Harmony AssistantPurchase
Myriad Music FontAlias for SToccataPurchaseExample
neueweise-ArticulationsAlternative music fontPurchaseExample
neueweise-NotesAlternative music font:
New Music noteheads, flags, etc.
neueweise-PitchesAlternative music font:
New Music quarter tones
Norfolk Harp Stdby NYC Music Services (uses Bravura)Link
Norfolk Metronome Stdby NYC Music Services (uses Bravura)Link
Norfolk Ornaments Stdby NYC Music Services (uses Bravura)Link
Norfolk Special Extra Stdby NYC Music Services (uses Bravura)Link
Norfolk Special II Stdby NYC Music Services (uses Bravura)Link
Norfolk Special Stdby NYC Music Services (uses Bravura)LinkExample
Norfolk Stdby NYC Music Services (uses Bravura)LinkExample
Norfolk Text Stdby NYC Music Services (uses Bravura)LinkExample
NoteHedzNoteheads onlyGet from
Noto MusicUnicode music fontGet from
Noto Sans SymbolsUnicode music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
NotSnsFINNoto Sans Symbols font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
NovemberAlternative music fontPurchaseExample
November2SMuFL music fontPurchaseExample
NovemberExtraSpecial Symbols for NovemberPurchaseExample
NumeroTuplet Numbers OnlyLink
NWC Extra Ornaments v3NWCLink
NWC2HiVisLPLawrie Pardy's Font PackLinkExample
NWC2MusicDingsSansLawrie Pardy's Font PackLinkExample
NWC2MusikDingsSerifLawrie Pardy's Font PackLinkExample
NWslurby Robert AllgeyerGet from
OCTOwahWah-wah/mute fontLink
OpusSibeliusNot availableExample
Opus Big Time StdSibeliusHomepage
Opus MetronomeSibeliusNot available
Opus Metronome StdSibeliusHomepage
Opus Note NamesSibelius (with pitch names)Not available
Opus Note Names StdSibelius (with pitch names)Homepage
Opus OrnamentsSibeliusNot available
Opus Ornaments StdSibeliusHomepage
Opus PercussionSibeliusNot available
Opus Percussion StdSibeliusHomepage
Opus SpecialSibeliusNot availableExample
Opus Special StdSibeliusHomepageExample
Opus StdSibeliusHomepageExample
Opus Special ExtraSibeliusNot available
Opus Special Extra StdSibeliusHomepage
Opus TextSibeliusNot availableExample
Opus Text StdSibeliusHomepageExample
OsloBased on the free Gonville fontNot available (Archived)Example
Oslo-extraBased on free Gonville fontNot available (Archived)Example
OttavinaOctave symbolsLink
OttocentoMelody/Harmony AssistantPurchaseExample
P22 MusicAlternative music fontPurchase
P22 Music OTAlternative music fontPurchase
P22 Music NotesAlternative music fontPurchase
P22 Music ProSame as P22 Music, but with OpenType featuresPurchase
P22 Music Pro OTSame as P22 Music, but with OpenType featuresPurchase
PaganiniAlternative Lilypond FontLinkExample
PagniFINPaganini font for FinaleLinkExample
Parisby Musegraph.comNot available
Paris-Extraby Musegraph.comNot available
PergolesiVivaldi Gold / AllegroassaiLink
Personal ViennaPersonal ComposerHomepageExample
PFAEmmentalerLilypond (in older versions)Link
PG Music FontBand-in-a-BoxHomepageExample
PhotoScore ExtraPhotoScoreHomepage
PianoTabAmbrose PianoTabsLinkExample
PiuAlternative music font for Finale's TamburoPurchase
PlayMsc1Play MusicLink
PMW-MusicPhilip's Music WriterLink
PolihymniaMusic font from PSAM WPF Control LibraryLink
Pori Metronome StdBased on Petaluma for SibeliusLink
Pori Ornaments StdBased on Petaluma for SibeliusLink
Pori Special Extra StdBased on Petaluma for SibeliusLink
Pori SpecialStdBased on Petaluma for SibeliusLink
Pori Special II StdBased on Petaluma for SibeliusLink
Pori StdBased on Petaluma for SibeliusLink
Pori Text StdBased on Petaluma for SibeliusLink
Power TabPower TabLinkExample
PrestoSymbolsMACby Alison HeyerPurchase
PrestoSymbolsPCby Alison HeyerPurchase
PrfndFINProfondo font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
PriMusPriMus PublisherLinkExample
PriMusAPriMus PublisherLinkExample
ProfondoAlternative Lilypond Font (Bravura-port)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
QuickScribeXDigital PerformerLinkExample
QuiviraUnicode music fontGet from
RentaroFinale (Japanese Version)Link
RevereClassicGraphire Music PressHomepageExample
RhythmsRhythm fontLink
RollsFinale Productivity PackPurchase
RollsBigFinale Productivity PackPurchase
Rodgers & HammersteinMax KeenlysideLink
Rodgers & Hammerstein DynamicsMax KeenlysideLink
Rodgers & Hammerstein SpecialMax KeenlysideLink
RossAlternative Lilypond FontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
RoFINRoss font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
SalzedoFinale Productivity PackPurchase
SbstnFINSebastiano font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
ScarlattiVivaldi Gold / AllegroassaiLink
ScherzoFrom NorFontsPurchase
Scherzo StdFrom NorFontsPurchase
ScorlattiAlternative Lilypond Font (based on Score)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
ScrltFINScorlatti font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Sebastianby Florian KretlowGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Sebastian (SMuFl)by Florian KretlowLinkExample
Sebastian (v2)Songworks IILink
Sebastian-Linesby Florian KretlowGet from
Sebastian-Metby Florian KretlowGet from
Sebastian-Note-Clefby Florian KretlowGet from
Sebastian-Numeralsby Florian KretlowGet from
Sebastian-Ornamentsby Florian KretlowGet from
SebastianoAlternative Lilypond FontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Segoe UI SymbolUnicode music fontIncluded in Windows 7-10
SerenadeMelody/Harmony AssistantPurchaseExample
Shape NotesNoteheads and AccidentalsLinkExample
Short Tremolo Flags Rectangular Corrected 40Tremolo flags by Abraham LeeLink
Short Tremolo Flags Rectangular Corrected 90Tremolo flags by Abraham LeeLink
Short Tremolo Flags Rectangular Uncorrected 40Tremolo flags by Abraham LeeLink
Short Tremolo Flags Rectangular Uncorrected 90Tremolo flags by Abraham LeeLink
Short Tremolo Flags Sheared Corrected 40Tremolo flags by Abraham LeeLink
Short Tremolo Flags Sheared Corrected 90Tremolo flags by Abraham LeeLink
Short Tremolo Flags Sheared Uncorrected 40Tremolo flags by Abraham LeeLink
Short Tremolo Flags Sheared Uncorrected 90Tremolo flags by Abraham LeeLink
Shpfltnatby David RakowskiLink
SinfoniaOnlineSheetMusic ViewerLinkExample
Solifrom NorFontsPurchase
Soli Textfrom NorFontsPurchase
Soli Timefrom NorFontsPurchase
Soli Specialfrom NorFontsPurchase
SonataLime Music NotationLinkExample
SonataAdobe's original music font (not available anymore)Purchase the
Std version
Sonata StdAdobe's music font with unicode mappingPurchaseExample
Sonata-ThinAlternative version of the Sonata fontNot available
Sonoraby Christian Texier/MIDIDesignLinkExample
Soviettaby Josh NicholsLink
SPWVoyetra Sequencer PlusNot available (Homepage)Example
SPP_5_1From Score PerfectLink
Staccatoby Bayard-NizetPurchaseExample
Steinberg Notat ClassicalVarious Steinberg SoftwareHomepage
Steinberg Notat LegacyVarious Steinberg SoftwareHomepageExample
Steinberg Tempo MarkerVarious Steinberg SoftwareHomepage
Stick RhythmsMusic font for notating stick rhythmsLink
SToccataMelody/Harmony Assistant/PDFtoMusicProPurchaseExample
StockholmClassicby Musegraph.comPurchase
StockholmClassic-Extraby Musegraph.comPurchase
StockholmPlateby Musegraph.comPurchaseExample
StockholmPlate-Extraby Musegraph.comPurchaseExample
SusatoSee SusatoF3Not available
SusatoBachOrnamenteIncluded in Susato (ornaments only)PurchaseExample
SusatoF3Alternative music font for Finale's MaestroPurchaseExample
SymbolaUnicode music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
SymbolaFINSymbola font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
TabTrax40Alternative music fontLink
TaggdingsAlternative music and chord fontLink
TallMetricFontMusic font by the Really Loud ­Font CompanyNot available (Homepage)
Taneyev Alt 1 StdAlternative Sibelius Font (based on Bravura)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
Taneyev Special Alt 1 StdAlternative Sibelius Font (based on Bravura)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
Taneyev Special StdAlternative Sibelius Font (based on Bravura)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
Taneyev StdAlternative Sibelius Font (based on Bravura)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
Taneyev Text StdAlternative Sibelius Font (based on Bravura)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
Tef250TablEdit (see Tef265)Not available
Tef260TablEdit (see Tef265)Not available
TempiFontMusic font by the Really Loud ­Font CompanyNot available (Homepage)
TempoFontby David RakowskiLink
Tempo Indications Liteby Matthew HindsonLink
TempoIndicationsLite­Trebuchetby Matthew HindsonLink
TempoTimeFinale Productivity PackPurchase
TempoTimeSansFinale Productivity PackPurchase
Tête de NoteMusic fontLink
TeX-old-fetaMusic fontLink
TeXMUSIX29MusiXTexGet from Elbsound.studioExample
TeXMXSKMusiXTexGet from
TeXXADF29MusiXTexGet from Elbsound.studioExample
TeXXPPFF10MusiXTex: DynamicsGet from Elbsound.studioExample
TeXXSLD29DMusiXTex: Dashed SlursGet from
TeXXSLU29DMusiXTex: SlursGet from
ThesisFontMusic font by the Really Loud ­Font CompanyNot available (Homepage)
TimpaniPercussion symbols by Bayard-NizetPurchase
ToccataAlternative font for FinaleLinkExample
Trakbats1Guitar NotationLink
TtsNoteCakewalk Audio SoftwareHomepage
TufaLime Music NotationLinkExample
Tuplet Numbers­(Petrucci)by Matthew HindsonLink
Tuplet Numbers­(Sonata)by Matthew HindsonLink
Turandot SpecialTurandotHomepage
Turandot TextTurandotHomepageExample
Tuttifrom NorFontsPurchase
Tutti Textfrom NorFontsPurchase
TuttiFINfrom NorFontsPurchase
UnicodeMusicUnicode musical symbolsLink
Unifont UpperUnicode music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Unifont UpperFINUnifont Upper font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
VariusMusikaLTStdAlternative music fontPurchase
Viennaby Musegraph.comPurchaseExample
VintageECP1Wess Music (for Edition Peters)ExampleExample
VintageGHMAWess Music (for Henle)ExampleExample
Virtuosoby Bayard-NizetPurchaseExample
Vivaceby Bayard-NizetPurchase
VivoMosaicNot available (Archive)
Wingdings 3Music Publisher 9 (Arrow symbols and others)Homepage
Wolfgang Std"Vienna" for SibeliusPurchase
Wolfgang Special Std"Vienna" for SibeliusPurchase
Wolfgang Text Std"Vienna" for SibeliusPurchase
XPTMusicAlternative music fontLink
XPTMusic1Alternative music fontLink
XinfoniaXEMO Music APINot available (Homepage)Example
Yankadi GraphicYankadiLink
Yankadi WesternYankadiLink
Yankadi TribalYankadiLink
Zurichby Musegraph.comPurchase
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Music Fonts: Classic Music Fonts (SMuFL)
SMuFL FontsComment External Link    Example
Aloisen GrooveUOverture (SMuFL)Get from
AloisenUOverture (SMuFL)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
AruvarbBravura font made compatible with Finale (SMuFL included)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
Bravura TextSMuFL music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
BravuraSMuFL music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
BravuraHEThe Helmholtz-Ellis font project (Bravura+HEJI)Link
BravuraMSSBravura with Mixed Spartan SagittalGet from Elbsound.studioExample
BopMusicSMFLFrom NorFontsPurchase
cap1800From NorFontsLinkExample
CapoScoreFrom NorFontsPurchase
CapoScore STDFrom NorFontsPurchase
ConcertoFrom NorFontsPurchase
Concerto STDFrom NorFontsPurchase
Da CapoFrom NorFontsPurchase
Da Capo LightFrom NorFontsPurchase
EkmelosMusic font by Thomas RichterGet from
Ekmelos12edoMusic font by Thomas RichterGet from
Ekmelos24edoMusic font by Thomas RichterGet from
Ekmelos72edoMusic font by Thomas RichterGet from
FinaleAshBased on AshMusic font (SMuFl)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
FinaleBroadwayBased on Broadway Copyist font (SMuFl)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
FinaleEngraverBased on Engraver Font Set font (SMuFl)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
FinaleJazzBased on Jazz font (SMuFl)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
FinaleLegacyBased on Petrucci font (SMuFl)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
FinaleMaestroBased on Maestro font (SMuFl)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
GoldenAgeSMuFl version of GoldenAgeMusicGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Gonville 2.0Alternative MuseScore FontLinkExample
Gonville Text 2.0Alternative MuseScore FontLink
Gootville TextSMuFL Font by GootectorGet from Elbsound.studioExample
GootvilleSMuFL Font by GootectorGet from Elbsound.studioExample
GotvlFINGootville font for Finale (SMuFL included)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
GraphiraFrom NorFontsPurchase
Graphira STDFrom NorFontsPurchase
GrooveFrom NorFontsPurchase
Groove TextFrom NorFontsPurchase
HEJI2BravuraThe Helmholtz-Ellis font projectGet from
HEJI2TextThe Helmholtz-Ellis font projectGet from
HEJI2-RegularThe Helmholtz-Ellis font projectGet from
JazzySMuFL Font by GootectorLinkExample
JazzyBasicSMuFL Jazz by GootectorGet from Elbsound.studioExample
JzBscFINJazzyBasic font for Finale (SMuFL included)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
LegatoSMuFl font from eNoteLink
LeipFINLeipzig font for Finale (SMuFL included)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
LeipzigVerovio (SMuFl compliant)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
LelandMuseScore SMuFl Font based on the SCORE fontGet from
Leland TextMuseScore SMuFl Font based on the SCORE fontGet from
LS Irisby Luís SalgueiroPurchase
MezzaFrom NorFontsPurchase
Mezza StdFrom NorFontsPurchase
MezzoFrom NorFontsPurchase
Mezzo StdFrom NorFontsPurchase
MScore for scoresMuseScore (SMuFL)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
MScore TextMuseScoreGet from Elbsound.studioExample
MTF-Cadenceby Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MTF-Haydnby Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MTF-Beethovenby Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MTF-Scorlattiby Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MTF-Arnoldby Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MuseJazz (v2)MuseScore (SMuFL)Get from
MuseJazz TextMuseScore (SMuFL)Get from
November2SMuFL music fontPurchaseExample
PetalumaSMuFL music fontGet from
Petaluma TextSMuFL music fontGet from
RealScoreSMFLFrom NorFontsPurchase
RhapsodyFrom NorFontsPurchase
ScherzoFrom NorFontsPurchase
Scherzo StdFrom NorFontsPurchase
ScordaturaFrom NorFontsPurchase
SoliFrom NorFontsPurchase
Sebastian (SMuFl)by Florian KretlowGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Sebastian Textby Florian KretlowGet from Elbsound.studioExample
The CopyistFrom NorFontsPurchase
TuttiFrom NorFontsPurchase
Back to Top

Music Fonts: Upper Unicode Music Fonts
Unicode Musical Symbols Area FontsComment External Link    Example
Andron Mega Corpus RegularUnicode music fontPurchase (Example)
BravuraSMuFL music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Code2001Unicode music fontGet from
DenemoUnicode music fontGet from
EuterpeUnicode music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
FreeSerifUnicode music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
MusicaUnicode music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Musical SymbolsUnicode music font (now called "Musica")Get from
Noto MusicUnicode music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Noto Sans SymbolsUnicode music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
November2SMuFL music fontPurchaseExample
PetalumaSMuFL music fontGet from
QuiviraUnicode music fontGet from
Segoe UI SymbolUnicode music fontIncluded in Windows 7-10
SymbolaUnicode music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Uni1D100MusicalsymbolsUnicode Reference ImplementationExample
Unifont UpperUnicode music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Back to Top

Music Fonts: Handwritten Music Fonts
Handwritten Music FontsComment External LinkExample
Aloisen GrooveUOverture (SMuFL)Get from
Amura MusicIncomplete music fontLink
BigBandfrom NorFontsPurchase
BigBand Specialfrom NorFontsPurchase
BigBand Textfrom NorFontsPurchase
BigBand Metronomefrom NorFontsPurchase
BopMusicFrom NorFontsPurchase
BopMusic MetronomeFrom NorFontsPurchase
BopMusicSMFLFrom NorFontsPurchase
BopMusic SpecialFrom NorFontsPurchase
BopMusic TextFrom NorFontsPurchase
BopMusic TimeFrom NorFontsPurchase
Broadway Copyist PercFinaleLinkExample
Broadway CopyistFinaleLinkExample
ClassicaMelody/Harmony AssistantPurchaseExample
Cyberscore SymAlternative music fontNot available
Cyberscore Plus More Symbols for Cyberscore SymNot available
Cyberscore TextMore Symbols for Cyberscore SymNot available
Encore NorMusicEncorePurchase
NorMusicSee Encore NorMusicPurchase
NorMusikfrom NorFontsPurchase
NorMusMzfrom NorFontsPurchase
NorTextExtrafrom NorFontsPurchase
ForteFolkForte 8Link
ForteInkForte 8Link
ForteJazzForte 8Link
GldngFINLV-GoldenAge font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
GoldenAgeMusicAlternative music fontNot available
GoldenAgeSMuFl version of GoldenAgeMusicGet from Elbsound.studioExample
GrooveFrom NorFontsPurchase
Groove TextFrom NorFontsPurchase
Hand notationMelody/Harmony AssistantPurchaseExample
ImprovisoAlternative Lilypond FontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
ImprvFINImproviso font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Inkpen2 Metronome StdSibeliusHomepage
Inkpen2 MetronomeSibeliusNot available
Inkpen2 Special StdSibeliusHomepageExample
Inkpen2 SpecialSibeliusNot availableExample
Inkpen SpecialSibeliusNot available
Inkpen2 StdSibeliusHomepageExample
Inkpen2 Text StdSibeliusHomepageExample
Inkpen2 TextSibeliusNot availableExample
Inkpen2SibeliusNot availableExample
Inkpen TextSibeliusNot available
InkpenSibeliusNot available
SPP_JAZZJazz font from Score PerfectLink
JazzFinaleLink and OSM ViewerExample
JazzCopyistfrom NorFontsPurchase
JazzCopyist Specialfrom NorFontsPurchase
JazzCopyist Textfrom NorFontsPurchase
JazzCopyist Timefrom NorFontsPurchase
JazzCopyist Metronomefrom NorFontsPurchase
JazzCopyist Extendedfrom NorFontsPurchase
JazzCWAlternative jazz fontPurchase
JazzPercFinaleLink and OSM ViewerExample
JazzTextFinaleLink and OSM Viewer
JazzySMuFL Font by GootectorLinkExample
JazzyBasicSMuFL Jazz by GootectorGet from Elbsound.studioExample
JazzyBasicTextSMuFL Font by GootectorLinkExample
JzBscFINJazzyBasic font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
LilyJAZZFree jazz font by Torsten HämmerleLinkExample
LilyjazzAlternative Lilypond Font (based on LilyJAZZ)Link or LinkExample
LijazFINLilyjazz font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
LV-GoldenageAlternative Lilypond FontLinkExample
Mozart Jazz 12MozartHomepageExample
MTF-Improvisoby Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MTF-Improviso-Finby Abraham LeePurchaseExample
MuseJazz (v2)MuseScore (SMuFL)Get from
Music Notation JazzMagicScore MaestroHomepageExample
Musicby Christian MunkLink
MusiCAD JazzMusiCADHomepageExample
NorPenfrom NorFontsPurchase
NorPen Specialfrom NorFontsPurchase
NorPen Textfrom NorFontsPurchase
NorPen Timefrom NorFontsPurchase
NorPen Metronomefrom NorFontsPurchase
NWC2SwingDingsLawrie Pardy's Font PackLinkExample
PetalumaSMuFL music fontGet from
Petaluma TextSMuFL music fontGet from
PriMusJazzPriMus Jazz font by Mads PagsbergLink
RealScoreFrom NorFontsPurchase
RealScore ExtendedFrom NorFontsPurchase
RealScore MetronomeFrom NorFontsPurchase
RealScoreSMFLFrom NorFontsPurchase
RealScore SpecialFrom NorFontsPurchase
RealScore TextFrom NorFontsPurchase
RealScore TimeFrom NorFontsPurchase
Reprise Big Time StdSibeliusHomepage
Reprise Metronome StdSibeliusHomepage
Reprise MetronomeSibeliusNot available
Reprise Special StdSibeliusHomepageExample
Reprise SpecialSibeliusNot availableExample
Reprise StdSibeliusHomepageExample
Reprise Text StdSibeliusHomepageExample
Reprise TextSibeliusNot availableExample
RepriseSibeliusNot availableExample
RhapsodyFrom NorFontsPurchase
RoemerAfter Clinton-Roemer (SVG only)Link
SlantedHall Handwrittenfor Dorico ?Example
Steinberg Notat JazzVarious Steinberg SoftwareHomepage
Steinberg Tempo JazzVarious Steinberg SoftwareHomepage
SwingAlternative jazz fontPurchaseExample
SwingDingsLawrie Pardy's Font PackLinkExample
SwingMusicAlternative jazz fontPurchase
SwingPercAlternative jazz fontPurchase
SwingTextAlternative jazz fontPurchase
SWMusicby Dave Edwards ConsultingNot available (Link to Example)
The CopyistFrom NorFontsPurchase
ToneDeaf BBVery incomplete music fontLink
Tune Up JNLby Jeff LevinePurchase
Back to Top

Music Fonts: Unavailable Music Fonts
Examples of Unavailable FontsComment External Link    Example
AlternativoAlternative music clefsExample
AlternativoSmallGClefAlternative music clefsExample
ArenskyAlternative music font by OdodExample
ArnoldFree font version of MTF-Arnold for LilyPondNow available as MTF-ArnoldExample
AshMusicAlternative jazz fontExampleExample
BostonCakewalkMax KeenlysideExample
BrahmsAlternative Finale font by Florian FeuserExampleExample
Brainard FolioMax KeenlysideHomepage
ContemporaryMax KeenlysideExample
CPEBJensonUsed in CPE Bach editionsExample
CrescendoMusic Font by Wendy CarlosExampleExample
CubaseUsed in Cubase versionsExample
Objekt IFont by Stephanie TürckExample
OstinatoFont by Stephanie TürckExample
FrolicMax KeenlysideExample
HE (v2)Font by Stephanie TürckExample
ExtraFont by Stephanie TürckExample
ESbigandsmall"Express Stave" font by John KellerExample
TwinNoteB"TwinNoteB" notation by Paul MorrisExample
Blumen und BlutFont by Stephanie TürckExample
EchosFont by Stephanie TürckExample
DebussyMax KeenlysideExample
Diamond Music No.1Max KeenlysideExample
Diamond Music No.2Max KeenlysideNot available
DSE Music Symbols 01bUsed by Durand, Salabert, EschigExample
DSE Music Symbols 02Used by Durand, Salabert, EschigExample
DSE Music Symbols 03bUsed by Durand, Salabert, EschigNot available
DSE Music Symbols 04Used by Durand, Salabert, EschigNot available
Edward B.MarksMax KeenlysideExample
EngraverTimeCutNo infoNot available
Erato Music Manuscriptorfrom Erato Music ManuscriptorExample
FacSimilus Common Symbolsby Facsimilus.comHomepage
FacSimilus Ornamentsby Facsimilus.comHomepage
FacSimilus Straight Flagsby Facsimilus.comHomepage
FacSimilus Special Linesby Facsimilus.comHomepage
FacSimilus Textby Facsimilus.comHomepage
FranckAlternative Finale font by Florian FeuserHomepageExample
GraceNotesby Wendy CarlosExampleExample
HelmholtzEllisOpusThe Helmholtz-Ellis font projectExample
HenleN1Used by HenleExample
HenleN2Used by HenleExample
HenleN3Used by HenleExample
BrahmsGAUsed by HenleExample
03StempelBogenFettUsed by HenleExample
Opus111Used by HenleExample
Bropus111Used by HenleExample
JSBUsed by HenleExample
Var9FisakoUsed by HenleExample
PocoritUsed by HenleExample
Eck.opusUsed by HenleExample
MusicfontUsed by HenleExample
MessiaenUsed by shirling&neueweiseExample
GuitarFontfor electric guitar notationNot available
HymnalClef5Clefs onlyExample
InterludeHB Music EngraverExample
Interlude TwoHB Music EngraverExample (Violin clef only)
LeeMusicAlternative jazz fontExampleExample
LeonardoIIUsed by Hal LeonardExample
Menuetby Knut NergaardExample
MicrotonaMentioned in the Finale settingsNot available
MidicomNotating MIDI data by CodaMusicNot available
MusicAshUsed by Hal LeonardNot available
MewMusicNotesMentioned in TGTools from 2000Not available
NewportJazz symbols by CodaMusicNot available
NGB Music Symbols 01by Notengrafik BerlinNot available
Nonpareil Music No.3Max KeenlysideExample
NotesMusic font by Bay AnimationNot available
NoteEditfrom NoteEdit (Bitmaps only)Not available (Homepage)
NtEdfrom NtEd (Bitmaps only)Example
NovelloMax KeenlysideExample
OrchestralScoreMax KeenlysideExample
Orsoby Joachim LinkelmannExample
Percussion Sticksby Krzysztof DombekNot available
ProMusicby Wess KaraatanassovNot available
RameauFigured bass font by CodaMusicNot available
RevereFinaleDennis Báthory-KitszExample
RevereFinaleMcGuireDennis Báthory-KitszNot available
RS NotesAlternative music fontNot available
RussMusicAlternative jazz fontExampleExample
SarabandeFont by Takashi HoshideExample
SaxbyAlternative music fontNot available (Homepage)
Scan-NoteUsed by Scan-NoteExample 1
Example 2
SchottMusicFinaleUsed by SchottNot available
SchottMusicFinale­StandardUsed by SchottExample
SchottMusicVintageUsed by SchottExample
SchottMusicSibelius­SpecialUsed by SchottExample
SchottMusicSibelius­StandardUsed by SchottExample
SchottMusicSibelius­TextUsed by SchottExample
Schott Music Scoreby Wess KaraatanassovNot available
ScorePCBased on Score's font by Nick PfefferkornExample
ScoreMacBased on Score's font by Nick PfefferkornExample
ScoreSpecialBased on Score's font by Nick PfefferkornExample
ScoreTextBased on Score's font by Nick PfefferkornExample
SerdonOriental notationExample
Shafer Handwrittenby Seth Shafer (for Finale)Example
SNArticulationsby shirling&neueweiseExample
SNNotesby shirling&neueweiseExample
SNShapesby shirling&neueweiseExample
Stark 1Max KeenlysideExample
Stark 2Max KeenlysideExample
Stark 3Max KeenlysideExample
Stark 4Max KeenlysideExample
Stark 5Max KeenlysideExample
Stark 7Max KeenlysideExample
Strauss EditionVerlagsgruppe HermannExample
SymphetMentioned in the Finale settingsNot available
TempoSignFont by Takashi HoshideExample
TraviataAlternative music fontExample
Uni1D100MusicalsymbolsUnicode Reference ImplementationExample
WitmarkMax KeenlysideExample
Xinliudd/Xinliud3Liudas MotekaitisExample
Yeah!Bitmaps onlyExample
Back to Top

Music Fonts: Medieval Music Fonts
Medieval FontsComment External LinkExample
A1 Classical MelodosMelodos software (Greek notation)Link
AegeanUnicode font with ancient Greek notationGet from
AlexanderUnicode font with Byzantine/Greek notationGet from
ALPHABETUMUnicode font with ancient greek notationPurchase
ALPHA-TestUnicode font with ancient greek notation (demo)Link
AroaniaUnicode font with Byzantine/Greek notationGet from
AvdiraUnicode font with Byzantine/Greek notationGet from
Aulos tablature BB v.1Babylonian tunings for the 9-string sammû and a hypothetical tablature for Panhellenic aulosGet from
bem13Byzantine music fontLink
Berlioz FontMedieval fontLinkExample
BravuraSMuFL music fontGet from
BZ ByzantinaByzantina 1.1 (Byzantine notation)Link
BZ FthoresByzantina 1.1 (Byzantine notation)Link
BZ LoipaByzantina 1.1 (Byzantine notation)Link
BZ PalaiaByzantina 1.1 (Byzantine notation)Link
BZ IsonByzantina 1.1 (Byzantine notation)Link
BZ XronosByzantina 1.1 (Byzantine notation)Link
Caeciliae BoldMedieval fontGet from
Caeciliae RegularMedieval fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Caeciliae StafflessMedieval fontGet from
PartheniaMedieval font for FinalePurchase
DendermondeMedieval font for FinalePurchase
SaintGallMedieval font for FinalePurchase
RavenscroftMedieval font for FinalePurchase
MorleyMedieval font for FinalePurchase
MarenzioMedieval font for FinalePurchase
FossombroneMedieval font for FinalePurchase
ChigiMedieval font for FinalePurchase
Florentius-EMedieval font for FinalePurchase
NivelleMedieval font for FinalePurchase
SubtiliorMedieval font for FinalePurchase
SquarcialupiMedieval font for FinalePurchase
CardoUnicode font with ancient Greek notationGet from
Chant ScribeMedieval fontLink
Choral P. MichaelMedieval fontPurchase
ChoralfigurenMedieval fontPurchase
ChoralnotenMedieval fontPurchase
CiconiaMedieval fontLink
CMMEMedieval font for CMMEGet from
CMME-printerMedieval font for CMMEGet from
EphesiosByzantine music fontLink
EversonMonoUnicode font with ancient Greek notationLink
Extra MensuralMensural NotationGet from
Festa Dies AMedieval font by Alzate PeláezLink
Festa Dies BMedieval font by Alzate PeláezLink
FirenzaMedieval fontNot available (Link to Example)
FirenzaSupplementMedieval fontNot available (Link to Example)
greciliaeGregorio (Mensural Font)Get from
greciliae-opGregorio (Mensural Font)Get from
greextraGregorio (Mensural Font)Get from
gregallGregorio (Mensural Font)Get from
Gregoriaby Elena AlbertoniNot available (Link to Example)
gregorioGregorio (Mensural Font)Get from
gregorio-opGregorio (Mensural Font)Get from
gresgmodernGregorio (Mensural Font)Get from
GregoireMedieval fontNot available (Link to Example)
Gregorian fontP. Gottfried MeierRequest
GregoMedieval font from GregoLink
HufnagelnotationMedieval fontNot available (Homepage)
Joseph Pothier AMedieval fontLink
Joseph Pothier BMedieval fontLink
Joseph Pothier CMedieval fontLink
JuhasevicNRegMedieval fontLink
ED FthoraByzantine music fontLink
ED IssonByzantine music fontLink
ED PsalticByzantine music fontLink
EZ FthoraByzantine music fontLink
EZ OmegaByzantine music fontLink
EZ OxeiaByzantine music fontLink
EZ PsalticaByzantine music fontLink
EZ Special-IByzantine music fontLink
EZ Special-IIByzantine music fontLink
EZ Fthora (RightToLeft)Byzantine music font (Arabic version)Link
EZ Omega (RightToLeft)Byzantine music font (Arabic version)Link
EZ Oxeia (RightToLeft)Byzantine music font (Arabic version)Link
EZ Psaltica (RightToLeft)Byzantine music font (Arabic version)Link
EZ Special-I (RightToLeft)Byzantine music font (Arabic version)Link
EZ Special-II (RightToLeft)Byzantine music font (Arabic version)Link
Morales2Bapri: medieval font packageLink
LigataBapri: medieval font packageLink
VideruntBapri: medieval font packageLink
LimonjianNotationArmenian musical notationLink
KA Arvanitis MainByzantine notationLink
KA Arvanitis ChronosByzantine notationLink
SmolenskyZnamenny notationLink
StolpZnamenny notationLink
Shaidur UnicodeZnamenny notationLink
Mezenets UnicodeZnamenny notationLink
DasiaBapri: medieval font packageLink
GradualeBapri: medieval font packageLink
LassusDavid RakowskiLinkExample
Lassus RegularThe Really Loud ­Font CompanyNot available (Homepage)
Lassus DefaultThe Really Loud Font CompanyNot available (Homepage)
LassusMMThe Really Loud Font CompanyNot available (Homepage)
Lassus ChordsThe Really Loud ­Font CompanyNot available (Homepage)
LeRoy1Medieval font package for SibeliusLink
LeRoyAddedMedieval font package for SibeliusLink
LeRoyAdded2Medieval font package for SibeliusLink
LeRoyDiapasonMedieval font package for SibeliusLink
LeRoyTSMedieval font package for SibeliusLink
LeRoyLuteNotes1Medieval font package for SibeliusLink
LeRoyLuteNotes1HMedieval font package for SibeliusLink
LeRoyLuteNotes2Medieval font package for SibeliusLink
LuteNotes1Medieval font package for SibeliusLink
LuteNotes2Medieval font package for SibeliusLink
LuteNotes3Medieval font package for SibeliusLink
LuteNotes4HMedieval font package for SibeliusLink
LuteNotesWaveyMedieval font package for SibeliusLink
LvivMedieval fontLink
LvovMedieval fontLink
ManjavaMedieval fontLink
MediceaMedieval fontLink
Meinradaby Saint Meinrad ArchabbeyLinkExample
Meinradbby Saint Meinrad ArchabbeyLink
Meinradcby Saint Meinrad ArchabbeyLink
Mensural1Mensural NotationGet from
MScoreTablatureMuseScoreGet from
MusicaUnicode music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
NarvaezMedieval font package for SibeliusLink
NarvaezLuteNotes2HMedieval font package for SibeliusLink
NeumaMedieval font for FinalePurchase
NeumaSymbolMedieval font for FinalePurchase
NeumesMedieval font (Metafont only)Link
New Athena UnicodeAncient Greek notationGet from
November2SMuFL music fontPurchase
Opus (v2)OpusTeX (Metafont only)Link
OslavicaMedieval fontLink
parmesanGregorio (Mensural Font)Get from
parmesan-opGregorio (Mensural Font)Get from
QuadratnotationMedieval fontNot available (Homepage)
simion OCR MelodouMelodos software (Greek notation)Link
SupraslKievan square-notationLink
TeXXGREG29MusiXTexGet from
TeXLUTE8Medieval and Lute fontGet from
TeXLUTE9Medieval and Lute fontGet from
TiniMedieval font for typesetter.earlynotation.comHomepage
PhaleseMedieval font for typesetter.earlynotation.comHomepage
LedertzMedieval font for typesetter.earlynotation.comHomepage
Unifont UpperAncient Greek and Byzantine notationGet from
White NowMedieval fontPurchase
Back to Top

For Word Processing    Comment External LinkExample
AlphaNotesMusic fontLink
AlphaRhythmsRhythm fontLink
BachAlternative music font, for tempo marksLink
Bach4JPAlternative music font, for tempo marksLink
Bach-anticoAlternative music font, for tempo marksLink
Bach-tsTime Signature SymbolsLink
BeatzRhythm FontPurchase
Bongosby Robert AllgeyerGet from
Bongos2by Robert AllgeyerGet from
Bravura TextSMuFL music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
CavatinaAlternative music fontPurchase
Copy&GoRhythm FontPurchase
DjembeDjembe FontLink
Djembe06Djembe06 FontLink
DrummerFor notating percussion rhythmsLink
DrumNotesFor notating percussion rhythmsLink
Eazy StixRhythm/stick notationPurchase
Festa Dies AMedieval font by Alzate PeláezLink
Festa Dies BMedieval font by Alzate PeláezLink
Forteby E. DobbsLink
Gonville TextSMuFL music fontExample
Gootville TextSMuFL music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
HEJI2 TextSMuFL music fontGet from
Hymnus FGby Andreas HöfeldLink
JuhasevicNRegMedieval fontLink
Kodaly (v1)Music font by Y. Tomita, for tempo marksLink
Lassus ChordsThe Really Loud ­Font CompanyNot available (Archived)
Lassus DefaultThe Really Loud Font CompanyNot available (Archived)
Lassus RegularThe Really Loud ­Font CompanyNot available (Archived)
LassusDavid RakowskiLinkExample
LassusMMThe Really Loud Font CompanyNot available (Archived)
Leland TextSMuFL music fontGet from
LvivMedieval fontLink
LvovMedieval fontLink
MaestroTimesFinale, for tempo marksLink
ManjavaMedieval fontLink
MeinradaMedieval fontLinkExample
Melody Bby Saint Meinrad ArchabbeyLink
Melody Cby Saint Meinrad ArchabbeyLink
Melody TestBased on the font "Melody A"Not available
Metronomeby DVM Publications, for tempo marksPurchaseExample
MetricoTime Signature Symbols, for tempo marksGet from
ModernChant070997Chant font by Dean FredricksonAvailable via mail (Example)
ModernChantEx2007Chant font by Dean FredricksonAvailable via mail (Example)
Mozartby MachinchouetteLink
MScore TextSMuFL music fontGet from
MusGlyphsBased on BravuraGet from
Music EdEducational music fontPurchase
Musical Notationby Rénald LévesqueLink
MusikMusic FontPurchase
MusiQwikby Robert AllgeyerGet from Elbsound.studioExample
MusiQwikBby Robert AllgeyerGet from
MusiQwikBoldby Robert AllgeyerLink
MusiSyncby Robert AllgeyerGet from
MusiToneby Robert AllgeyerLink
MusiTone Boldby Robert AllgeyerNot available
MusiTone BItalicby Robert AllgeyerNot available
MusiTone Italicby Robert AllgeyerNot available
Note-able FontFor music and Kodaly notationPurchase
NotenschriftMusic fontPurchase
OslavicaMedieval fontLink
Petaluma TextSMuFL music fontGet from
RawsonFont from typesetter.earlynotation.comHomepage
RhythmsRhythm font, for tempo marksLink
Sebastian TextSMuFL music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
SicilianoXPby Jozef VervoortLink
SicilienneXPby Jozef VervoortLink
Simple MelodyNoteheads with letters insideLink
StaffClefPitches­EasyMusic fontLinkExample
StaffWriterMusic fontPurchase
Stick NotationRhythm/stick notationLink
Stick RhythmsMusic font for notating stick rhythmsLink
Stix 2Rhythm/stick notationPurchase
Tenor NotationNotation for Tenor DrumsLink
Trace ItRhythm FontPurchase
TypeMyMusic NotationMusic fontLink
Volpianoby Fabian Weber and David Hiley (used in Cantus)Link
Volpiano2by Fabian Weber and David Hiley (used in Cantus)Link
Back to Top

Music Fonts: Chord Fonts
Chord FontsComment External LinkExample
Aloisen Groove TextOvertureLink
Arial ChordsCapella Chord fontLink to Capella
BlueChordsby Tom WilliamsNot available
BopMusic ChordsFrom NorFontsPurchase
JazzCopyist ChordsFrom NorFontsPurchase
NorPen ChordsFrom NorFontsPurchase
BigBand ChordsFrom NorFontsPurchase
Broadway Copyist ­TextFinaleLinkExample
CampaniaChord font from MuseScoreGet from
Chord Symbol 1Chord Font by John ClevengerNot available
Chord Symbol 2Chord Font by John ClevengerPurchase
NameThatChordby Barry WareExample
Chord SymbolsChord by Tijs KrammerPurchaseExample
ChordsScribe (Handwritten chord font)Link
Chords (v2)Chord font by Alan HummLink
ChordSufFinale Productivity PackPurchaseExample
ChordSymFinale Productivity PackPurchaseExample
ChordSymSubtextFinale Productivity PackPurchase
Finale Copyist TextFinaleLinkExample
FPChordSuffixFinale Productivity PackPurchaseExample
FPChordSymbolFinale Productivity PackPurchaseExample
FPChordSymbol­SubtextFinale Productivity PackPurchase
GChordsChord fontLink
Inkpen2 Chords StdSibeliusHomepageExample
Inkpen2 ChordsSibeliusNot availableExample
Inkpen ChordsSibeliusNot available
Jazz Symbol 1Chord Font by John ClevengerPurchase
JazzCordFinaleLink or LinkExample
KriniChordOSM ViewerLink
KrinitskyOnlineSheetMusic ViewerLink
LilyJAZZChordLilypond Chord FontLinkExample
MonoMusicMonospaced Chord FontLink
MuseJazzMuseScore (non-SMuFL)LinkExample
MusikChordSansLawrie Pardy's Font PackLink
MusikChordSans­DoSiLawrie Pardy (for NWC)Link
MusikChordSans­GermanicLawrie Pardy (for NWC)Link
MusikChordSerifLawrie Pardy's Font PackLink
MusikChordSerif­DoSiLawrie Pardy (for NWC)Link
MusikChordSerif­GermanicLawrie Pardy (for NWC)Link
MusRomanChord Font for MusicatorLink
MWW Guitar TabsChord Font from MusicWorksLink
My ChordsMelody/Harmony AssistantPurchaseExample
MZ BuenardMozart (Chord Font)LinkExample
MZ ChewyMozart (Chord Font)LinkExample
MZ EconomicaMozart (Chord Font)LinkExample
MZ Gloria HallelujahMozart (Chord Font)LinkExample
MZ LimelightMozart (Chord Font)Link
MZ LoraMozart (Chord Font)LinkExample
MZ Open SansMozart (Chord Font)LinkExample
MZ Roboto SlabMozart (Chord Font)LinkExample
MZ Shadows Into ­Light TwoMozart (Chord Font)LinkExample
MZ Stint Ultra ­CondensedMozart (Chord Font)LinkExample
MZ VocesMozart (Chord Font)LinkExample
NChordsChord fontExample
New Real Book Chords(v1)by Jochen PietschLinkExample
New Real Book Chords(v2)MuseScore (more Symbols than v1)Link
Norfolk Chords Sans Stdby NYC Music Services (for Sibelius)Link
Norfolk Chords Stdby NYC Music Services (for Sibelius)Link
Norfolk PlainChords Sans Stdby NYC Music Services (for Sibelius)Link
Norfolk PlainChords Stdby NYC Music Services (for Sibelius)Link
Opus Chords Sans StdSibeliusHomepageExample
Opus Chords SansSibeliusNot availableExample
Opus Chords StdSibeliusHomepageExample
Opus ChordsSibeliusNot availableExample
Opus PlainChords StdSibeliusHomepageExample
Opus PlainChordsSibeliusNot availableExample
Opus Chords Sans ­CondensedSibeliusNot availableExample
Opus Chords Sans ­Condensed StdSibeliusHomepageExample
Personal Chordsby Chuck FowlerNot available (Homepage)
Pori PlainChords Stdby NYC Music Services (for Sibelius)Link
Pori Chords Stdby NYC Music Services (for Sibelius)Link
Pori Chords ASC Stdby NYC Music Services (for Sibelius)Link
Pori Chords ASL Stdby NYC Music Services (for Sibelius)Link
RealBook Chords wSubtextBassExtended with a slash for subtext bass notationLinkExample
RealBook Chordsby Jochen PietschLinkExample
RealScore ChordsFrom NorFontsPurchase
Reprise Chords StdSibeliusHomepageExample
Reprise ChordsSibeliusNot availableExample
Steinberg Chord ­SymbolsVarious Steinberg SoftwareHomepage
Steinberg Chord ­Symbols JazzVarious Steinberg SoftwareHomepage
SwingChordLawrie Pardy's Font PackLink
SwingChordDoSiLawrie Pardy (for NWC)Link
SwingChordGermanicLawrie Pardy (for NWC)Link
SwingCordAlternative jazz fontPurchaseExample
XPTChordsAlternative Chord FontLink
Back to Top

Figured Bass & Analysis FontsComment External LinkExample
Anastasia Figured ­BassEncorePurchase
ChiffrageFrom "Wolfgang" software (Vertical font)Link
ComputerModern-FBFew Special SymbolsLink
ComputerModern­Sans-FBFew Special SymbolsLink
CSTwoFigured bass fontNot available
CSThreeFigured bass fontNot available
FacSimilus Figured Bassby Facsimilus.comNot available (Homepage)
FiguratoFigured bass fontGet from
FiguratoBFigured bass fontGet from
FiguratoMacFigured bass fontGet from
FiguredBassby the Really Loud ­Font CompanyNot available (Homepage)
FiguredBassMHby Matthew HindsonLink
FiguredBassMH GPLby Matthew HindsonGet from
FinalAnalyseDemoby Ansgar KrauseLink
FinalAnalyseby Ansgar KrausePurchase
FinalFiguredBass­Demoby Ansgar KrauseLink
FinalFiguredBassby Ansgar KrauseLink
FinalGeneralBass­Demoby Ansgar KrauseLink
FinalGeneralBassby Ansgar KrausePurchase
Finale NumericsFinale's fontLink
Harmonyby Bayard-NizetPurchase
Koechlinby Bayard-NizetNot available (now Harmony)
MScoreBCMuseScoreGet from
MusAnalysisRoman numeral and functional analysisGet from
My Figured BassMelody/Harmony AssistantPurchase
Number Chart ProNashville Number SystemPurchase
Opus Figured BassSibeliusNot available
Opus Figured Bass ­StdSibeliusHomepage
Opus Figured Bass ­ExtrasSibeliusNot available
Opus Figured Bass ­Extras StdSibeliusHomepage
Opus Function SymbolsSibeliusNot available
Opus Function Symbols StdSibeliusHomepage
PrestoFiguresMACby Alison HeyerPurchase
PrestoFiguresPCby Alison HeyerPurchase
RiemannAnalysis fontLink
ScaleDegrees Timesby Matthew HindsonLink
Sebastian-FigBassby Florian KretlowGet from
SicilianNumeralsFigured Bass And Roman NumeralsNot available
SicilianNumeralsDemoFigured Bass And Roman NumeralsLink
TeXPalladioL-FBFew Special SymbolsGet from
Back to Top

Fretboard FontsCommentExternal LinkExample
AccordsGuitar chord fontLink
CancioneroGtGuitar chord fontLink
CancioneroTpTiple chord fontLink
ChordsGuitar chord fontLink
Chords DEMO NutGuitar chord fontLink
ChordsGuitar chord fontPurchase
Chords VIGuitar chord fontPurchase
FarHatGuitar chord fontLink
FarHat-AcordesGuitar chord fontLink
FarHat-Acordes b y #Guitar chord fontLink
FarHat-QuintasGuitar chord fontLink
FinalFrets3DHorDemoby Ansgar KrauseLink
FinalFrets3DHorizontalby Ansgar KrausePurchase
FinalFrets3DVertDemoby Ansgar KrauseLink
FinalFrets3DVerticalby Ansgar KrausePurchase
FinalFretsHorizontalby Ansgar KrausePurchase
FinalFretsHorizontal­Demoby Ansgar KrauseLink
FinalFretsNatDiaDemoby Ansgar KrauseLink
FinalFretsNatHoriz­Demoby Ansgar KrauseLink
FinalFretsNatVert­Demoby Ansgar KrauseLink
FinalFretsVerticalby Ansgar KrausePurchase
FinalFretsVerticalDemoby Ansgar KrauseLink
FinalGriffbrettVertDemoby Ansgar KrauseLink
FinalGriffbrettVertby Ansgar KrausePurchase
FinalGriffeNaturVertikDemoby Ansgar KrauseLink
FinalGriffeNaturVertikby Ansgar KrausePurchase
FinalGriffeNaturHorizDemoby Ansgar KrauseLink
FinalGriffeNaturHorizby Ansgar KrausePurchase
FinalGriffbrettHorizDemoby Ansgar KrauseLink
FinalGriffbrettHorizby Ansgar KrausePurchase
FinalGitarreDemoby Ansgar KrauseLink
FinalGitarreby Ansgar KrausePurchase
FinalGuitarby Ansgar KrausePurchase
FinalGuitarDemoby Ansgar KrauseLink
Flamencoby Bayard-NizetPurchase
FretBoardMosaicNot available (Homepage)
FretsAEncore/Music Publisher 9Encore or Music Publisher
FretsBEncore/Music Publisher 9Encore or Music Publisher
FretsCEncore/Music Publisher 9Encore or Music Publisher
FretFinderby Barry WareExample
FretQwikGuitar/Bass chord fontGet from
FretQwikCGuitar/Bass chord fontGet from
GitarrengriffeGuitar chord fontLink
GuitarGuitar chord fontPurchase
Guitar Major CodeGuitar chord fontLink
IgorEngraverGuitarGuitar chord fontHomepage
MCDiagramsCreate your own fretboardsHomepage
MidiGuitarGuitar (Forte)Link
MusFretsDesign your own fretboardsLink
OpusFrets1Guitar chord fontLink
OpusFrets2Guitar chord fontLink
OpusFrets3Guitar chord fontLink
PersonalStrumGuitar chord fontHomepage
PlayMsc2Guitar chord fontLink
PlayMsc3Guitar chord fontLink
PlayMsc4Guitar chord fontLink
Scales DEMO NutCreate guitar scalesLink
ScalesCreate guitar scalesPurchase
Scales VICreate guitar scalesPurchase
SevilleGuitar (Finale)Link
Ted-ChemistCreate guitar chordsLink
Ted-Chemist horizCreate guitar chordsLink
ukuleleUkulele chord fontLink
Ukulele Chord ChartUkulele chord fontPurchase
Back to Top

Fingering/Pedal FontsInstrument External LinkExample
AccordionAccordeon fingeringLink
AkkordeonregisterAccordeon fingeringPurchase
Accordion4RegisterAccordeon fingeringPurchase
AkkRegisterAccordeon fingeringLink
AKClarinetClarinet fingeringLink
AKFagottBassoon fingeringLink
AKOboeOboe fingeringLink
AKFluteFlute fingeringLink
AKVerticalFluteVertical flute fingeringLink
AKSaxSax fingeringLink
BagpipeBagpipe fingeringLink
Bassoon FingeringBassoon fingeringPurchase
Bois SarrusophoneSarrusophone fingeringLink
Bois OphicleideOphicleide fingeringLink
Bois OcarinaOcarina fingeringLink
Bravura FingeringFingerings based on BravuraLink
Chromatic TabHarmonica fingeringLink
ClarFingerClarinet fingeringLink
Clarinet FingeringClarinet fingeringPurchase
DiatonicTabMixDiatonic step numbers for SibeliusGet from
DiatonicTabAeoDiatonic step numbers for SibeliusGet from
DiatonicTabDorDiatonic step numbers for SibeliusGet from
DiatonicTabIonDiatonic step numbers for SibeliusGet from
DiatonicTabLocDiatonic step numbers for SibeliusGet from
DiatonicTabLydDiatonic step numbers for SibeliusGet from
DiatonicTabPhrDiatonic step numbers for SibeliusGet from
FinalHandPiano fingeringPurchase
FinalHand DemoPiano fingeringPurchase
FinalKeysPiano fingeringPurchase
FinalKeysDemoPiano fingeringLink
FingeringMany fingering symbolsPurchase
Fingering Diagram BuilderUniversal fingering diagram builder (no font !)Link
Fingering HorizontalRecorder fingeringLink
Fingering VerticalRecorder fingeringLink
Flute FingeringFlute fingeringPurchase
Four-Hole-OcarinaOcarina fingeringLink
Glyph3 Brass and VoiceBrass fingering and techniqueGet from
Glyph3 WoodwindsWoodwind fingeringGet from
Harmonica TablatureHarmonica fingeringLink
Harp PedalHarp fingeringPurchase
Harp Pedals 1.1Harp fingeringLink
Harping FontHarmonica fingeringNot available (Homepage)
Holzblaeser RecorderRecorder fingeringLink
Holzblaeser ReedsCrumhorn, sordune, rackett fingeringLink
Holzblaeser SimpleFlute and winds without keysLink
JianPuNumbered NotationLink
JianPu ZNumbered NotationLink
js-jianpuNumbered NotationLink
js-jianpu3.0Numbered NotationLink
moojianpu 1.0Numbered NotationLink
KeybiesPiano keysPurchase
Kh Woodwind Fingering ChartWoodwinds fingeringGet from
Kh Reed. Pressure. Lips and AirWoodwindsGet from
Kh Reed. PositionPositions of lips and teethGet from
Legni FluteVFlute fingeringLink
Legni FluteHFlute fingeringLink
Legni OboeOboe fingeringLink
Legni OboeEngHnEnglish Horn fingeringLink
Legni ClarinetClarinet (Boehm) fingeringLink
Legni ClarinetBassBass clarinet (Boehm) fingeringLink
Legni BassoonBassoon fingeringLink
Legni BassoonCbsnBassoon and contrabassoon fingeringLink
MusicEd BassoonBassoon fingeringPurchase
MusicEd BrassBrass fingeringPurchase
MusicEd ClarinetClarinet fingeringPurchase
MusicEd FluteFlute fingeringPurchase
MusicEd OboeOboe fingeringPurchase
MusicEd SaxSax fingeringPurchase
NAFTracks (21 fonts)21 fonts for all kind of flutesGet from
Neue Bassoon FontBassoon fingeringPurchase
NorKeysPiano keyboard symbolsPurchase
NPCFingeringGeneric fingering fontPurchase
NPCRecorderRecorder fingeringPurchase
Oboe FingeringOboe fingeringPurchase
Ocarina NotesOcarina fingeringLink
PendantOcarinaOcarina fingeringGet from
Piano KeybuildPiano fingeringPurchase
Piano KeysPiano fingeringPurchase
Recorder EyeRecorder fingeringLink
Recorder EyesRecorder fingeringLink
Recorder FaceRecorder fingeringLink
Recorder FacesRecorder fingeringLink
Recorder FingeringRecorder fingeringPurchase
Recorder Fingerings ­HorizontalRecorder fingeringLink
Recorder Fingerings ­VerticalRecorder fingeringLink
Recorder FontRecorder fingeringLink
RecorderRecorder fingeringLink
RecordersRecorder fingeringLink
Richter TabHarmonica fingeringLink
Saxophone FingeringSaxophone fingeringPurchase
ShakuhachiFingering­NotationTozanShakuhachi fingeringLink
ShakuhachiFingering­TozanShakuhachi fingeringLink
ShakuhachiNotationShakuhachi fingeringLink
SolmisationSolmisation fontLink
Tab ExtrasHarmonica fingeringLink
Tin Whistle FingeringTin Whistle fingeringPurchase
Tin WhistleTin Whistle fingeringLink
Tin Whistle TabTin Whistle fingeringLink
Tinyholes_RecorderRecorder fingeringLink
Transverse Ocarina ­FingeringOcarina fingeringPurchase
Woodwind Tablature ­Sax EuroSax fingeringLink
Woodwind Tablature ­Sax GraphicSax fingeringLink
Woodwind Tablature ­Sax USSax fingeringLink
Woodwind TablatureRecorder fingeringLink
WoodwindsWoodwindsNot available (Homepage)
WWMonospaced woodwind and brass fingerings (part of the Helmholtz-Ellis font project)Link
XB-40 TabHarmonica fingeringLink
TozanShakShakuhachi notationLink
ZensaboShakuhachi notationLink
font3015Shakuhachi notationLink
shakuhachi18Shakuhachi notationLink
ShakuhachiKinkoShakuhachi notationLink
ShakuhachiOShakuhachi notationLink
DoremiShakuhachi notationLink
DoremibShakuhachi notationLink
Back to Top

Music Fonts: Microtonal Notation Fonts
Microtonal notation fontsComment External LinkExample
Accidentalsby Matthew HindsonLink
Anastasia Extended 2EncorePurchase
AruvarbBravura font made compatible with FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
BravuraMSSBravura with Mixed Spartan SagittalGet from Elbsound.studioExample
BravuraHEThe Helmholtz-Ellis font project (Bravura+HEJI)Link
Bravura TextSMuFL music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
BravuraSMuFL music font (SMuFl 1.20)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
Broadway Copyist PercFinaleLinkExample
EkmelosMicrotonal accidentals (SMuFL)Get from
HEThe Helmholtz-Ellis font projectLink
HE-LAMHThe Helmholtz-Ellis font projectLink
HE-MaestroThe Helmholtz-Ellis font project
(Maestro Style)
HEJIThe Helmholtz-Ellis font projectLink
HEJI2The Helmholtz-Ellis font projectGet from
JazzPercFinaleLink and OSM ViewerExample
Kh AccidentalsMicrotonal accidental fontGet from
Kh Accidentals-24thsMicrotonal accidental fontGet from
Kh Accidentals-In ParenthesesMicrotonal accidental fontGet from
SagittalSagittal Microtonal NotationLink
ArnoldAlternative Lilypond FontLinkExample
BeethovenAlternative Lilypond FontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
CadenceAlternative Lilypond FontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
CapriccioAlternative Lilypond FontLinkExample
Capriccio-lightAlternative Lilypond FontLinkExample
DelusseAlternative Lilypond FontLinkExample
GonvilleAlternative Lilypond FontLinkExample
Gonville 2.0Alternative MuseScore FontLink
GnvilFINGonville font for FinaleGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Gutenberg1939Alternative Lilypond FontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
HaydnAlternative Lilypond FontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
ImprovisoAlternative Lilypond FontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
LilyboulezAlternative Lilypond Font (based on Boulez)LinkExample
LilyjazzAlternative Lilypond Font (based on LilyJAZZ)Link or LinkExample
LV-GoldenageAlternative Lilypond FontLinkExample
MaestroquartertonesQuartertones fontLink
Maestro PercussionFinaleLinkExample
omicronMicrotonal accidentalsLink
PaganiniAlternative Lilypond FontLinkExample
Oslo-extraBased on free Gonville fontNot available (Archived)Example
Paris-Extraby Musegraph.comNot available
ProfondoAlternative Lilypond Font (Bravura-port)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
RossAlternative Lilypond FontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
ScorlattiAlternative Lilypond Font (based on Score)Get from Elbsound.studioExample
Sebastian-Acc-Artby Florian KretlowGet from Elbsound.studioExample
SebastianoAlternative Lilypond FontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Micro 2Accidentals for microtonal notationNot available
Micro 3Accidentals for microtonal notationPurchase or Example
Microtonal NotationAccidentals for microtonal notationLink
Microtonal Notation ­TextAccidentals for microtonal notationLink
November2SMuFL music fontPurchaseExample
PiuAlternative music font for Finale's TamburoPurchase
ToccataAlternative font for FinaleLinkExample
Temperaby Christian Texier/MIDIDesignLink
THM/TSMTurkish accidentalsLink
PetalumaSMuFL music fontGet from
Petaluma TextSMuFL music fontGet from
*Here you can find a good description of the different microtonal accidental systems.
Back to Top

Special Music FontsComment External LinkExample
Adobe BlankInvisible font (interesting for spacing issues)Link
BerlinVertical text font for instrument names in scoresPurchase
FF Dingbats 2.0 Arrows OneAll sorts of arrow symbolsPurchase
FF Dingbats 2.0 Arrows TwoAll sorts of arrow symbolsPurchase
FF Dingbats 2.0 Arrows ThreeAll sorts of barrow symbolsPurchase
FF Dingbats 2.0 Basic FormsAll sorts of special noteheadsPurchase
Frontiers Music ­NotationA new musical system called FRONTIERSLink
invisibleInvisible font (interesting for spacing issues)Link
ITC Zapf DingbatsAll sorts of special symbolsPurchase
MMDingsArticulations I Wish I Could UseLink
Nocturnal ExperienceMusic ExamplesLink
OnpuNotes with letters and numbersLink
morseMorse code (for creating dashed/dotted lines)Link
Please write me a singOnly a violin clefLink
Music FunA few notation symbols and dingbatsLink
PIXymbols MusicaMusical instrument symbolsPurchase
PIXymbols OrchestraPlacements of orchestra instruments on the stagePurchase
101! Abstrakt DeZignOnly a violin clefLink
Samys Keys'N'KeysOnly a bass clefLink
OpenSymbolArrows, rehearsal marks, dingbatsLink
SingASignDiatonic and chromatic hand signsPurchase
XITS MathFont for creating brackets at any size/thicknessLink
Lato HairlineFont for creating brackets large bracketsLink
OstrichSans-LightFont for creating large bracketsLink
Wavy Line FontCreate all sorts of wavy linesPurchase
Back to Top

Rehearsal Mark FontsComment External LinkExample
Anastasia RehearsalsEncorePurchase
Broadway Copyist ­TextFinaleLink
Circle Numbers StdNumbersPurchase
CombiNumerals LtdNumbersLink
CombiNumerals ProNumbersPurchase
Cyberscore TextMore Symbols for Cyberscore SymNot available
CD NumbersCircled and boxed numbersLink
TOC in RingsLetters & numbersPurchase
Tips CountNumbersPurchase
NorScript RehearsalsSee Encore NorScript RehearsalsPurchase
Encore NorScript RehearsalsEncorePurchase
Numbers Style Two Circle NegativeNumbersPurchase
Numbers Style Three Circle NegativeNumbersPurchase
Numbers Style One (Positive/Negative)NumbersPurchase
Number OrnamentsNumbersPurchase
FF Dingbats 2.0 NumbersNumbersPurchase
Currency PiNumbersPurchase
FF Double Digits RoundNumbersPurchase
European Pi 1NumbersPurchase
LTC FiguresNumbersPurchase
FF Govan One DingbatsNumbersPurchase
FF Govan Two DingbatsNumbersPurchase
Leitura Symbols ArrowsNumbers and arrowsPurchase
EnclSerifFinale Productivity PackPurchase
EnclSansFinale Productivity PackPurchase
Encore NorScript RehearsalsEncorePurchase
Finale Copyist TextFinaleLink
FinaleMiscFree Finale font LinkExample
FPEnclosureSansFinale Productivity PackPurchase
FPEnclosureSerifFinale Productivity PackPurchase
FPRehearsalFinale Productivity PackPurchase
FPRehearsalDoubleFinale Productivity PackPurchase
FPRehearsalSansFinale Productivity PackPurchase
FPRehearsalSansDoubleFinale Productivity PackPurchase
JazzTextFinaleLink and OSM Viewer
JW Rehearsal SCAPS 1 BoldRehearsal symbolsLink
JW Rehearsal Serifs 2Rehearsal symbolsLink
JW Rehearsal Serifs BoldRehearsal symbolsLink
JW Rehearsal Shadow 1 BoldRehearsal symbolsLink
NorScript RehearsalsSee Encore NorScript RehearsalsPurchase
NumberpileNumbers (with OpenType ligatures)Link
Numberpile ReversedNumbers (with OpenType ligatures)Link
OratorioRehearsal symbolsPurchase
QuiviraRehearsal symbols in unicode (0xF220..0xF27F)Get from
RealScore MarksFrom NorFontsPurchase
JazzCopyist MarksFrom NorFontsPurchase
BigBand MarksFrom NorFontsPurchase
NorPen MarksFrom NorFontsPurchase
Pori Rehearsal EnclosedBased on Petaluma ScriptLink
Pori Rehearsal UnderlineBased on Petaluma ScriptLink
Pori Rehearsal OverlineBased on Petaluma ScriptLink
RehearsalFinale Productivity PackPurchase
RehearsalDoubleFinale Productivity PackPurchase
RehearsalSansFinale Productivity PackPurchase
RehearsalSansDoubleFinale Productivity PackPurchase
RehearsalTimesRehearsal symbolsNot available
RehearsalTimesDemoRehearsal symbolsLink
RehearsalSimpleRehearsal symbolsNot available
RehearsalSimpleDemoRehearsal symbolsLink
Reprise RehearsalSibeliusNot available
Reprise Rehearsal StdSibeliusHomepage
Top SecretStamp-likeLink
Back to Top

Text Fonts with (few) Musical SymbolsComment External LinkExample
Andron Mega Corpus RegularUnicode music fontPurchase (Example)
BachFont by Y. TomitaLink
Bach4JPFont by Y. TomitaLink
Bach-anticoFont by Y. TomitaLink
Broadway Copyist TextFinalePurchase
Code2001Unicode music fontGet from
Finale Copyist TextFinaleLink
FreeSerifUnicode music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
GoldenAge Textfor GoldenAge MusicLink
Jazz TextFinalePurchase
KIDdemoby DVM PublicationsLinkExample
Kidnotesby DVM PublicationsPurchaseExample
Kidsibby DVM Publications (for Sibelius)PurchaseExample
Kodaly (v1)Font by Y. TomitaLink
Maestro TimesFinaleLink
MetDemoby DVM PublicationsLinkExample
MetTimesby DVM PublicationsPurchase
MetTimes Boldby DVM PublicationsPurchase
MetTimes Italicby DVM PublicationsPurchase
Mozart Jazz 12MozartHomepageExample
Noto Sans SymbolsUnicode music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
QuiviraUnicode music fontGet from
Segoe UI SymbolUnicode music fontIncluded in Windows 7-10
SwingTextAlternative jazz fontPurchase
SymbolaUnicode music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Unifont UpperUnicode music fontGet from Elbsound.studioExample
Back to Top

The following table lists a few text fonts that work fine with certain music fonts or even come bundled with them. It is only a small selection of fonts. There are of course many more text fonts that can be used. Music Fonts: Suitable Text Fonts
Suitable Text FontsCommentExternal LinkExample
AshAlphafor AshMusicNot available (Example)
BopMusic Scriptfor BopMusicPurchase
BopMusic Titlefor BopMusicPurchase
BigBand Scriptfor BigBandPurchase
JazzCopyist Titlefor JazzCopyistPurchase
JazzCopyist Scriptfor JazzCopyistPurchase
NorPen Titlefor NorPenPurchase
NorPen Scriptfor NorPenPurchase
NorTextfor NorMusikPurchase
Encore NorScriptfor NorMusicPurchase
Encore NorScript Casedfor NorMusicPurchase
Encore NorScript Cased Obliquefor NorMusicPurchase
Encore NorScript Obliquefor NorMusicPurchase
NorScriptfor NorMusikPurchase
NorScript Casedfor NorMusikPurchase
NorScript Cased ­Obliquefor NorMusikPurchase
NorScript Obliquefor NorMusikPurchase
Broadway Copyist ­Text ExtFinaleLink
Colorado Book TextAnother jazz style text font by Jochen PietschLink
Encore NorScript ­TitleEncorePurchase
festus!Nice handwritten font in a light jazz styleLink
FinalLyricsby Ansgar KrauseLink
Finale LyricsFinale's condensed lyrics fontLink
FPLyricsFinale Productivity PackPurchase
FPLyricsSansFinale Productivity PackPurchase
FreeSerifLyricsFree lyrics fontLink
FreeSerifNarrowSBFree lyrics fontLink
Frontiers Nice HandwritingHandwriting for FRONTIERSLink
Frontiers Lazy & SloppyHandwriting for FRONTIERSLink
Frontiers Sloppy ­HandwritingHandwriting for FRONTIERSLink
GJM realbookFree jazz text fontLink
GoldenAge Textfor GoldenAge MusicLink
GoldenAge Titlefor GoldenAge MusicLink
HandClapTextfor ScoreMakerLink
Handwritten Love Notesfor Jazz style (in all caps)Purchase
HelveticaLyricsFinale Productivity PackPurchase
IM FELLAntique serif fontsGet from
Rock SaltHandwritten font for jazz styleGet from
JaneAustenHandwritten 19th century styleLink
j.d.Works fine as a jazz font for the Realbook styleLink
JazzTextExtendedFinaleLink and OSM Viewer
LeeAlphafor LeeMusicNot available (Example)
LilyJAZZTextfor lilyjazzLink or Link
LeRoyfor LeRoy1Link
LeRoy Condensedfor LeRoy1Link
MaestroTimesfor MaestroLink
MozartJazzTextfor MozartGet from
MuseJazzMuseScore (non-SMuFL)Link
MuseJazz Textfor MuseScoreGet from
MuzitexFree lyrics fontLink
Muzitex2Free lyrics fontLink
NarvaezTextfor NarvaezLink
NepomukFree SIL OFL text font for Sebastian (Henle Style)Get from
NorScript TitleSee Encore NorScript TitlePurchase
Opera-Lyrics-Smoothlyrics fontLink
Pea Missy with a ­MarkerHandwritten font in a jazz styleLink
Permanent MarkerHandwritten font in a jazz styleGet from
Plantin MT StdSibelius' default fontHomepage
PL Benguiat Friskyfor jazz stylePurchase
Real Book Titlefor RealBook ChordsLink
RussAlphafor RussMusicNot available (Example)
SPP Jazz 1For Score PerfectLink
Steinberg Text Jazzfor Steinberg JazzHomepage
SwingText ExtendedAlternative jazz fontPurchase
The Copyist Alphafor The CopyistPurchase
ThickmarkerHandwritten font in a jazz styleLink
Times New Roman ­AlternativesFree TNR alternatives (Georgia, Lora, Tinos, Crimson, Centabel, TexGyreTermes)Link
VortragsbezeichnungUsed by SchottExample
Xtreem Fat Demofor "RealBook Chords"Link
Comparison of text fonts for lyrics
Comparison of text fonts for dynamics
Comparison of text fonts for expressive text (Part 1)
Comparison of text fonts for expressive text (Part 2)

Bad news for music fonts lovers:
As this website now has a web shop it has become a "commercial website" according to German law, even if parts of the website, like this music fonts subpage, provide information for free.
The LG Hamburg (the district court where our company is located) has decided in 2016 that commercial websites are now fully responsible for the whole (!) content of linked websites. So even if the linked subpage is ok, we may get a problem if any other subpage of the linked website has copyright problems - even if we don't know at all that the subpage exists!
In Germany currently only search engine websites like Google are still allowed to link to any website (unless they positively know of copyright problems).
This music fonts link list used to have more than 1100 links to commercial and non-commercial music fonts websites. All linked fonts have been checked for copyright as good as we could. But we can't extent this check for a 100% rights clearance according to German law for complete websites, especially as most linked websites are not even located in Germany and many of them have hundreds of subpages.
Hopefully the German courts will change their new and very strict opinion in the next years, but until then we unfortunately have to take this link list down.
All links have been removed now, but the font names and descriptions remain.
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